Both fighters are orthodox and they square up. Prochazka with the longer reach and deeper bust and shows lots of feinting from Prochazka early on, hard leg kick. He threatens a knee and falls short with a right hand. More low kicks, front kick misses. Prochazka with a body kick.
Both fighters are orthodox and they square up. Prochazka with the longer reach and deeper bust and shows lots of feinting from Prochazka early on, hard leg kick. He threatens a knee and falls short with a right hand. More low kicks, front kick misses. Prochazka with a body kick.
Jumping switch kick just misses, leg kicks continue and Mo is not checking them. Takedown attempt by Mo denied. Prochazka keeping him at arms bay with kicks. A very solid blast double from Mo and he lands in guard. More solid right hands from Mo.
Mo still landing hard punches and hammer fists, which Prochazka is now wearing. Prochazka kicks him off and stands, firing a high kick as he does. Mo level change denied. Prochazka chases after him and Mo hits him hard with a counter right knocking him out. Prochazka goes down face-first and King Mo has wins the grand prix.
In ring comment from Mo:
“Rizin, you are amazing. Thank you for bringing me here to fight. Everyone knows what happens now. I am the King. King Mo”.
“Rizin, you are amazing. Thank you for bringing me here to fight. Everyone knows what happens now. I am the King. King Mo”.
An Interview with King Moト
How do you feel right now?
I feel great! My hand hurts though. Rizin was such an amazing event. Over the two days there were so many knock outs. Rizin is only going to go from strength to strength.
I feel great! My hand hurts though. Rizin was such an amazing event. Over the two days there were so many knock outs. Rizin is only going to go from strength to strength.
Could you tell us your thoughts on each fight?
I watched my first round opponent’s (Brett McDermott) fight tapes before I fought him and I knew he was a tough fighter. I wasn’t able to fight the way I planned. He got me with some punches and I wasn’t able to get a lot of takedowns in. He was a really good opponent.
My second round opponent (Teodoras Aukstuolis) was very difficult to take down. I was also very wary of his counter punching. I went with the right jab and right body shot punch. At the end I was able to get the takedown and pound him.
In the final (Jiri Prochazka) I faced a young kick boxer in an orthodox style fight. He was very powerful with good reach. When I saw how good he moved, I wanted to close the distance but because it was the final, I fought a much more open fight and actually, the fight became more about me creating the distance. The way he fought was a little different to usual, it was strange and hard for me to fight.
I watched my first round opponent’s (Brett McDermott) fight tapes before I fought him and I knew he was a tough fighter. I wasn’t able to fight the way I planned. He got me with some punches and I wasn’t able to get a lot of takedowns in. He was a really good opponent.
My second round opponent (Teodoras Aukstuolis) was very difficult to take down. I was also very wary of his counter punching. I went with the right jab and right body shot punch. At the end I was able to get the takedown and pound him.
In the final (Jiri Prochazka) I faced a young kick boxer in an orthodox style fight. He was very powerful with good reach. When I saw how good he moved, I wanted to close the distance but because it was the final, I fought a much more open fight and actually, the fight became more about me creating the distance. The way he fought was a little different to usual, it was strange and hard for me to fight.
Would you like to fight Fedor?
I think it’s possible under any situation. He is a legend, and I am not the type to say “let’s fight!” but if there is an offer, I’d humbly accept it with gratitude. I think it’s a fight that the Japanese fans would love to see.
I think it’s possible under any situation. He is a legend, and I am not the type to say “let’s fight!” but if there is an offer, I’d humbly accept it with gratitude. I think it’s a fight that the Japanese fans would love to see.
And what do you plan to do with your prize money?
I’m not sure yet but my friend is fighting in Las Vegas in January and I am thinking about going to watch. After that I’d like to go to Texas, and then maybe eat some ice cream. I’d also like to buy my mom and sister some new clothes. The thing I am happy about most is this belt, becoming champion.
I’m not sure yet but my friend is fighting in Las Vegas in January and I am thinking about going to watch. After that I’d like to go to Texas, and then maybe eat some ice cream. I’d also like to buy my mom and sister some new clothes. The thing I am happy about most is this belt, becoming champion.
This was an event with fighters from different organizations. Could you give us your opinions on both the Rizin system as well as being a representative of Bellator?
To bring in strong fighters from other organizations is something that I really like. I mean it when I say this, Rizin can be the best. I fought for Bellator and my family and I can be very proud of my accomplishment.
To bring in strong fighters from other organizations is something that I really like. I mean it when I say this, Rizin can be the best. I fought for Bellator and my family and I can be very proud of my accomplishment.
An Interview with Jiri Prochazka
Looking back, how do you think the semi-final against Vadim Nemkov went?
He is such a great fighter and such an honor for me that I got to fight him. I think I was able to surprise him a little with my stand up, but the fight went how I imagined, with my power on full display. His ground game is quite good too.
He is such a great fighter and such an honor for me that I got to fight him. I think I was able to surprise him a little with my stand up, but the fight went how I imagined, with my power on full display. His ground game is quite good too.
Were you able to fight a relaxed fight?
I read Musashi Miyamoto’s book and learnt quite a lot. My technique is still not good enough, but after reading that book I was able to get the Japanese spirit and power needed for the fight.
I read Musashi Miyamoto’s book and learnt quite a lot. My technique is still not good enough, but after reading that book I was able to get the Japanese spirit and power needed for the fight.
Over the course of the two day tournament, were you able to keep your physical conditioning and concentration levels up?
I think I kept my concentration levels up high for all three fights. However, in the third fight I became quite careless and I was knocked out. You reap what you sow, I paid for my mistakes.
I think I kept my concentration levels up high for all three fights. However, in the third fight I became quite careless and I was knocked out. You reap what you sow, I paid for my mistakes.
And what did you learn from being in this tournament?
The path I was destined to lead was that of a fighter. Looking back on this tournament, everything is always about winning. I was able to learn so much and get some amazing experience, and I think I have grown as a fighter. I will give it my all to keep on getting better. This time, I just let it all flow and wanted to see where it would take me. I also want to show everyone that you can have this amazing life if you work hard, and I intend to work even harder now.
The path I was destined to lead was that of a fighter. Looking back on this tournament, everything is always about winning. I was able to learn so much and get some amazing experience, and I think I have grown as a fighter. I will give it my all to keep on getting better. This time, I just let it all flow and wanted to see where it would take me. I also want to show everyone that you can have this amazing life if you work hard, and I intend to work even harder now.